Planter Bag

A planter bag is a flexible and often fabric-based container designed for gardening and plant cultivation. It is typically used for growing various plants, including flowers, vegetables, herbs, and shrubs. Planter bags come in different sizes and shapes, catering to the specific needs of different plants. Planter bags provide a convenient and adaptable solution for gardening, offering benefits such as good aeration, drainage, and portability, making them popular for a range of plant cultivation scenarios.

Planter Bag Australia

Used For

Container Gardening

Planter bags are popular for container gardening, allowing individuals to grow plants in limited spaces such as balconies, patios, decks, or even indoors. They are versatile and come in various sizes to accommodate different types of plants.

Vegetables and Herbs

Planter bags are suitable for growing vegetables and herbs. They provide a convenient solution for urban gardening or for individuals with limited outdoor space. The bags are often used for cultivating tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, basil, and other edible plants.

Small Shrubs

Some larger planter bags are suitable for growing small shrubs or ornamental trees. This allows individuals to introduce greenery and landscaping elements in areas where traditional planting might be challenging.

Indoor Gardening

Planter bags can be used for indoor gardening, bringing the joy of growing plants to spaces with limited access to outdoor areas. They are convenient for cultivating herbs, small flowers, or houseplants.



Type : Brick


Composition : 100% Coir Peat or Mix


Moisture : 10 - 20%


Electrical Conductivity :


0 – 0.5 mS/cm (Low EC)


Expand : up to 3-4 times its original size



Planter Bag (8 Litre)

  • Size 23x18x19 cm expanded
  • Used For : Tomatoes, Cucumber, Peppers

Planter Bag (10 Litre)

  • Size 23x18x24 cm expanded
  • Used For : Raspberries, Blackberries

Planter Bag (27 Litre)

  • Size 29x29x33 cm expanded
  • Used For : Blueberries

Planter Bag (27 Litre)

  • Size 36x36x21 cm expanded
  • Used For : Ginger / Turmeric

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